It is not an understatement to say that organizations throughout the world are struggling with the ever-expanding role of quality. In recent decades, the term “quality” has expanded beyond the classical interpretation of “satisfying customer needs and expectations related to the supplied product” to include not only the delivery of excellence to a variety of stakeholders, but also the environmental, safety, financial, and even social aspects of performance of the organization. This change of direction has prompted a small revolution in quality management research and practices. The shift in focus from solely the external customer to the internal organizational health and overall business performance has resulted in the creation of excellence criteria.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops and publishes standards for various management systems like Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015), Information Security Management System (ISO 27001:2013), Food Safety Management System (ISO 22000:2005) etc.
The ISO standards seem to be regarded as the foundation on which organizations build their business excellence programs. It is imperative for any organization to have good management system established, documented, implemented, maintained & monitored as a 1st step towards business excellence.